White Fragility and Black Resilience: Challenging Racism in Germany

Mergenthaler 426 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland, United States

A graduate workshop with Tupoka Ogette & Stephen Lawson A ‘Straight Outta Happyland’ Event - Lunch will be provided Please join us for this unique opportunity to speak with and […]

Enacting Temporality

Gilman 132 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Keynote speaker: Chloe Ahmann (Cornell U.) 2024 JHU Anthropology Graduate Student Conference

Famine, War, and International Humanitarian Law

Please join us for an online panel discussion on Thursday, April 25th, noon to 1pm, about famine, war, and international humanitarian law, details below. Please also help publicize the event by […]

Veena Das Honored in Italy

Veena Das is being honored in Italy with an Italian translation of Life and Words and a conference

Anthro. Colloquium Series: James McHugh

“Brewing Technologies and Drinking Cultures in Early South Asia (and Methods for Studying Them)" James McHughProfessor, School of ReligionUniversity of Southern California Mergenthaler 426and on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/8809236688 A reception will […]

“A Cinema of Subtraction: Kiarostami and Modesty”

"A Cinema of Subtraction: Kiarostami and Modesty" Joan Copjec (Brown University) Mergenthaler 426September 17th4:00pm – 5:30pm (Reception to follow) Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/8809236688

Anthro Colloquium Series: Hoon Song

"The Dream in North Korea's Historiography" Hoon Song (University of Minnesota) Mergenthaler 426October 8th4:00pm – 5:30pm (Reception to follow) Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/8809236688