The Krieger School of Arts & Sciences provides opportunities for students in all disciplines to create, plan, and undertake a hands-on research project.

Anthropology majors and minors are encouraged to apply for the Provost’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA) and the ASPIRE Grant for research and writing projects, including the honors thesis.

Incoming first-year students may apply for the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship for a long-term project (over multiple years).

Research Opportunities within the Department

Please contact Director of Undergraduate Studies Naveeda Khan at [email protected] for research opportunities for undergraduates in the department.

Homewood Institutional Review Board

When you conduct research involving human subjects, you must submit an application for approval of your research through the Homewood Institutional Review Board. This board protects the rights and welfare of individuals participating in research. In most cases, anthropological research is classified “exempt from review,” but getting this classification still requires submission of materials in the semester before doing fieldwork. You must allow at least a month prior to your departure for approval.

The HIRB website contains downloadable forms and other information.

Study Abroad and Global Education

Anthropology majors and minors are encouraged to explore possibilities of studying abroad for a year, semester, or summer. Such an experience will be a great asset in developing an honors thesis and preparing for future use of their anthropology training. It is important to shape a plan in advance, so students are encouraged to work closely with the Office of Academic Advising as well as their major adviser.

Grants and Financial Support

The Department of Anthropology provides a summer research grant competition for undergraduate students, with details announced each spring. The department also offers a small amount of undergraduate research funding for majors to support fieldwork expenses such as transportation and meals. Students must submit their research proposal to the department chair and their major adviser.