Marios Falaris, a PhD candidate in the Department of Anthropology, has been named a finalist in the University-wide doctoral research communication competition, “Empower Your Pitch! 2023“ Research Communication Competition. The […]
News & Announcements Archive

Naveeda Khan presents “In Quest of a Shared Planet” in conversation w/Meg Chow
Wednesday, May 17 at 7PM Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, 3128 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA Based on the author’s eight years of fieldwork with the United Nations-led Conference of […]

Department faculty contribute to a forum on decolonizing anthropology
Anthropology department faculty members Aja Lans, Nicole Labruto, and Anand Pandian contributed essays for a new collection of reflections on decolonizing anthropology, published recently by Sapiens Magazine.

Michel-Rolph Trouillot Essay Prize for Undergraduate Students
Undergraduates are invited to submit original writing, an essay written for a class assignment, or an excerpt from a thesis or independent study. All currently registered undergraduate students at JHU […]
Graduate student Tom Thornton publishes in the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Congratulations to Tom Thornton for the publication of his article “Compliance and Obedience in an Alabama prison faith dorm” in the March 2023 issue of the prestigious Journal of the […]
Mintz Fellowship 2023 Call for Proposals
We are very pleased to announce the sixth annual Sidney Mintz Student Fellowships for Field Research. Professor Mintz inaugurated the fund in the fall of 2015, by re-assigning funds from […]
American Ethnologist 2023 Spring Conference
Spring Conference | 23-25 March 2023 | Princeton University American Ethnological Society, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology and Council on Anthropology and Education have organized a conference on the theme of “Indeterminacy” to be held […]
Anthropology students Tomisin Longe and Alaa Saad publish an op-ed in the Baltimore Banner
Anthropology undergraduate major Tomisin Longe and anthropology graduate student Alaa Saad have written an op-ed published by the Baltimore Banner on December 23, 2022. Their piece chronicles recent protests against […]
Perry Maddox Awarded Dissertation Research Grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation
Anthropology graduate student Perry Maddox has received a highly- competitive grant to support dissertation research from the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Here are further details on the project: “Swidden Futures: Indigenous/campesino practice […]
Alessandro Angelini Awarded Hunt Fellowship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation
Anthropology professor Alessandro Angelini has received a Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, a grant meant to support to support innovative writing projects to advance anthropological knowledge. Here […]