News & Announcements Archive

Palestine is Burning, an Emergency Debriefing

On Wednesday, May 19th, the Department of Anthropology sponsored a teach-in session on current conditions on the ground in Palestine and Israel, moderated by recent JHU anthropology PhD Arpan Roy, […]

2021 American Institute of Indian Studies Awards Joseph W. Elder Prize in Indian Social Sciences to JHU PhD Vaibhav Saria

Vaibhav Saria has been awarded one of two 2021 AIIS Book Prizes, the Joseph W. Elder Prize in the Indian Social Sciences, for Hijras, Lovers, Brothers: Surviving Sex and Poverty […]

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ecological Justice and Design

The Department of Anthropology in the Krieger School of Arts & Sciences seeks applicants for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in ecological justice and design, to begin on July 1, 2021. […]

Niloofar Haeri Publishes “Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer, and Poetry in Iran”

Niloofar Haeri Publishes “Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer, and Poetry in Iran”

Following the 1979 revolution, the Iranian government set out to Islamize society. Muslim piety had to be visible, in personal appearance and in action. Iranians were told to pray, fast, […]

Niloofar Haeri Interviewed on WYPR All Things Considered

Niloofar Haeri, Professor of Anthropology and Islamic Studies, was interviewed on All Things Considered about her new book on women, prayer, and poetry in Iran. In the interview, she discusses […]

Talia Katz Fieldwork Essay a Winner in American Ethnologist Society Small Grants Competition

PhD candidate Talia Katz’s essay, “Healing Without Monsters: On Psychodrama and Therapeutic Experimentation in Israel,” the recipient of the Small Grants Competition by the American Ethnological Society.

Undergraduate Amanda Yuen awarded PURA for 2020-2021

We are proud to share that Amanda Yuen, an extraordinary undergraduate double majoring in Anthropology and International Studies, was awarded by the Hopkins Office for Undergraduate Research (HOUR) a PURA […]

PhD Candidate Recipient of Johns Hopkins 20th Century Cities Initiatives’ 2020 Doctoral Research on Urban Issues Award

Nat Adams, a PhD candidate in the department of Anthropology, is among a handful of recipients of the Johns Hopkins 20th Century Cities Initiatives 2020 Doctoral Research on Urban Issues […]

The American Council of Learned Societies names Mariam Banahi one of 22 Mellon/ACLS Fellows

Anthropology MA recipient Megha Majumdar’s recently published book reviewed in New Yorker

In Megha Majumdar’s “A Burning,” a terrorist event transforms three lives—and the elements of a thriller are transmuted into prismatic portraiture. “The book’s surface realism—that great boon to writers—is abundant […]